By Kat Knuth
Longmont Family Photographer
Hi! Thank you for stumbling onto my photography blog! I am, as you may have guessed, a photographer in Longmont, Colorado. Since this is my very first of what I hope to be many posts, I thought I’d introduce myself a bit.
I am a 33-year-old, married mom of a beautiful little boy (with a baby girl due this fall!), who isn’t from Longmont. I’m not really from anywhere, to be honest. I moved a lot as a child and when I have to fill out one of those residential history things for background searches, I have to include 27 addresses. Or is it 28 now? Anyway, not the point. Moving around gave me a real appreciation for meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. I’ve loved what I’ve been able to see and do over the course of my life so far.
And I’ve taken pictures of everything!
(Laguna Amarga, Patagonia, Chile. View of Torres Del Paine in the background!)
It was this need to document where I’ve been that led me toward photography in the first place. Travel photography would be the ultimate dream job, but having a young family does tend to make that a little difficult. I know I’ll shared the joy of traveling with them when they’re older but, for now, I’ve meticulously organized my experiences into photo albums and adore the memories they rekindle every time I open one up. It’s actually kind of scary just how organized it all is, though.
Now, I spend most of my time documenting my son’s life. Cheesy, right? I’m just like any other millennial mom in that way. Except, I try my best to remember to use my camera instead of my phone when I’m taking his photograph. When the pandemic hit, this became my way to share how much he was growing with friends and family. Monthly milestone pictures, walking around Longmont (we moved here last June, when everything was still very uncertain), and just playing in the yard all became opportunities to get out my camera and photograph the moment.
Last fall, I decided to be brave and put myself and my photography out there. I set up a few social media accounts, started following local photographers, and began practicing on friends and family as restrictions eased (and outside locations were available!). I seemed to have stumbled on something that worked for me and my growing family. A lifelong artist and writer, photographer fit right alongside my existing passions and creative outlets. Suddenly, this wasn’t just something I did to keep my memories in meticulous order—this was my art.
I’m still learning. That’s why I started this blog. I have so much to learn and do in order to grow as (hopefully) Longmont’s best family and newborn photographer.
Thanks for coming along with me as I figure this out!
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